Oscar - Week Thirty Nine

Wednesday was Oscar's last day with Jim and Amy. Grandma and Grandpa came over and took a nap with Oscar. I'm sure he loved it!
He went back to his daycare on Thursday. They were a little nervous taking him but I really do think that he has been doing great, all things considered. He is acting like his normal happy self.
Oscar still loves Hank. I think Hank is starting to get a little worried about this fast growing baby. Especially because Oscar can move backwards now! It’s not really crawling but more like pushing himself backwards with his hands and sliding across the floor until he gets stuck under something. It’s fun to watch him move around but now we have to start baby proofing stuff.
This weekend Oscar and I went to the mall with my aunt and cousin. We got lunch and hung out for a little while. It was nice to get out of the house and hang out somewhere cool. I walked him around the mall in the stroller for a little bit too. It was good to get some exercise.
Oscar is feeling a little under the weather today but he's still smiling!