Oscar - Week Forty

On Thursday we had our follow up doctor's appointment with the neurosurgeon at Children's Hospital. The doctor felt his head, checked his eyes and his balance, along with asking us a bunch of questions about how he is acting. And we told her the truth - he has been acting totally normal and happy. She said that his skull is still healing and it will be for about 8-10 weeks but as long as he continues to act normally that we don't need any further follow ups. We still have to be as cautious as possible with an almost toddler and try not to let him fall back and hit his head but other than that he doesn't have any restrictions or anything. Oscar is cleared!
I cannot get a good picture because Oscar loves to stick out his tongue but his two bottom teeth are really showing now. And he is trying to chomp everything - and it hurts when he gets your fingers!
Since he has teeth now we decided to try giving him eggs. He kept eating them but also kept spitting them out on the floor. So we're not sure if he liked them or not... who knows! He also tried watermelon this week!
We saw Oscar on his crib camera trying to pull up on the side of his crib on Sunday morning when he woke up - so guess who's bed got lowered that very same day. It was a pain in the butt to lower so we went ahead and put it to the lowest setting. We do not want any falling out of the crib incidents. We've had enough giant falls already.
Oscar has also been scooting around on his butt lately. He is itching to crawl - it won't be long now.
Today Oscar discovered the Force - well, at least lightsabers. ;-)