Oscar - Week Thirty One

On Wednesday I noticed a little crustiness behind Oscar’s ear which upon investigation was actually a big red sore spot oozing. We ended up taking him to the doctor the next day and it turns out his had the Strep virus (I’m sure from me coughing in the same house) on his skin and it found the crease of his ear to live and replicate and destroy. Yuck! The doctor prescribed us a goopy ointment to put on it three times a day and it cleared right up. Thank goodness!
Oscar loves looking at himself in the mirror at the doctor’s office and trying to figure out what mirrors are. He is still loving bath time and he is great at sitting up these days!
We smashed up some green beans one day and some refried beans another day for Oscar to try this week. He made a lot of funny faces that looked like he hated it - but he kept eating when we gave him more bites so I think he actually liked it or at lease couldn’t decide one way or the other.
Oscar is also loving the plastic easter eggs that we’ve given him to play with so on Saturday I put them in a bucket with some water and he REALLY loved that. Oscar is getting really good at splashing water all over the place!
Sunday was Easter so got dressed up and gave Oscar his Easter basket. The Easter bunny left more plastic eggs and crayons for Oscar this year. He loved taking everything out of his basket. Then we went to Grandma’s house. Oscar loved playing with cousins and aunts and uncles and great grandma and grandpa of course! I think everyone got a turn to hold him at some point. My youngest cousins gave Oscar a giant golden Easter egg filled with goodies. (Side note: the golden Egg was what we used to announce that I was pregnant last Easter) He was playing on the floor with the cousins and he kept falling over which was unusual since he’s been so good at sitting lately. When I picked him up after one of these falls I realized that his fancy jeans were too tight! After I took them off he was able to sit up just fine.
Today was my bestie’s son’s birthday so we went over to celebrate with them! Oscar ate his bottle and then promptly fell asleep on me. I think he is still recovering from the long day at grandma’s on Easter.