Oscar - Week Thirty Two

This week we had three major events. Friday, Jose and I went on our first date since Oscar was born. Saturday was Parkway day at Grant’s farm. And Monday, we took a road trip to see the Solar Eclipse of 2024.
Friday, Oscar’s daycare was having a Parent’s Night Out babysitting. We paid $30 and they watched him until 10PM. We decided to go for it and we went to dinner and a movie. We ate at the movie theater restaurant and saw Dune 2 and Oscar got to stay at school and play with his baby friends all night. The pictures the sent us looked like he was having fun!
Grant’s Farm day was so much fun. Jose ended up having to work so Oscar and I invited my cousin to go with us! We had a blast riding the tram and seeing all the animals. It was a little cold on the tram ride with the wind blowing but we managed. We fed the goats and got some Parkway swag. And everything was free! Thanks Parkway!
On Monday, Jose, Oscar, Hank, and I loaded into the car first thing in the morning. I wanted to get on the road as soon as possible because I knew there would be so much traffic. I was in such a rush that when we left the house for the last time, I left our front door open. We have a screen door that automatically closes but our inside door with the deadbolt…I just didn’t close it. I guess I thought we’d have to go inside one more time or something. I just wasn’t thinking about it. I realized this about an hour after we had left our house. We were only going to be driving for two hours so we were already halfway there. Jose and I called a few people who we thought might be off work and found someone who was willing to drive to our house and close the door. We have some good friends - that is for sure.
We decided to go to a park that was in the path of totality. It was not the biggest or the flashiest park but it had multiple bathrooms and shady pavilions. We brought our own food and we set up camp in a pavilion that was near an open area so we’d be able to be in the shade or the sun easily. We had a perfect view of the eclipse and we all took turns using the eclipse glasses to view it. It was a lovely little day trip.
The drive home, which should have taken two hours, ended up taking 7 hours. We had to stop once at a gas station to use the bathroom. Luckily, it got dark relatively quickly and Oscar slept for most of the ride home but it was still bumper to bumper traffic for about 6.5 of the 7 hours.
On Tuesday we were so tired that we didn’t take a single picture. So the Eclipse pics are the closest thing we’ve got to a Tuesday photo. Oh well!