Oscar - Week Thirty

SO, this week has been a doozy. The only reason I even have a moment to write this is because I’m home sick with strep throat. And that’s after getting diagnosed with shingles last week. Luckily my shingles pain had gone down by the time my throat pain had amped up. smh. My body needs to calm down or take a chill pill or something.
Stay focused. Oscar update - GO.
Ok, um Oscar is sitting now! Like a big person! It’s crazy! As long as there is a toy in front of him to play with and the dog doesn’t knock him over he will just sit and play. Last week he was sorta getting there. This week he is THERE. It’s crazy what can change in just a week!
Luckily so far Oscar hasn’t picked up any of my horrible illnesses. Though the chicken pox could still pop up for three more weeks so we keep checking him for spots. I hope he doesn’t get sick from me. Ugh. I’ve tried to stay away when Jose is home but (a.) Jose is not always home at the same time as me and (b.) he is my baby and it’s real hard not to hold him when he wants to be held. I stayed away as much as I could bear it.