Oscar - Week Nine

Oscar hasn’t been loving being put down for naps lately so we’ve been doing a lots of cuddling this week. The week was slow but the weekend was crazy!
Thursday we went to see my grandma and grandpa.
Friday we went to Target and a chili cook-off at my work.
Saturday we went to a craft fair where I ran into my Aunt! Later that day, Jose and I carved our pumpkin. We obviously had to put Oscar into the pumpkin since he is still tiny enough to fit in a pumpkin. He didn’t like that very much but it still made for pretty cute pictures.
Sunday we went to a trunk-or-treat with my dad and stepmom as skeletons and then we went to their house for dinner.
And then after such a busy weekend on Monday we just stayed home and snuggled in bed.
Today is Halloween so we went over to a friend’s house that has a really good trick-or-treating neighborhood. It was cold today (like in the 40s) but we went for it anyway. Jose held Oscar the whole time we were outside and he just slept in his daddy pumpkin’s arms while his dad showed him off to the whole neighborhood via trick-or-treating for Oscar.