Oscar - Week Eight
This week we had a lot of firsts!
We went for Oscar’s first walk with Hank without a stroller. I wanted to be able to deal with Hank a little more easily since sometimes he gets tangled in the stroller wheels so I decided to try taking Oscar in the sling. It worked out well - it was a great walk but we did get hot from the close snuggles. Oscar also had his first offical Tummy Time that day. He didn’t hate it but he also didn’t do anything except fall asleep on his belly. lol
We also went out to Oscar’s first restaurant. My co-workers were having a happy hour at Charro, a Mexican restaurant that I usually go to with my friends. They have such good food and drinks and I wanted to catch up on all the stories from work before I go back next month. Oscar slept while I ate and then got hungry while we were just chatting which worked out well. And just before I was getting ready to go we ran into one of my aunts and my cousin - small world!
On Saturday I had my first day without Oscar since he has come home from the hospital because I went to a corn maze with my girlfriends. This corn maze trip is an annual tradition with the girls and with Oscar’s original due date I thought I would have to miss the corn this year - but everything worked out so that I could go! That also meant that Oscar had his first day at home with only his Papa. Jose said that Oscar and Hank were perfect angels the whole day.
On Sunday, Oscar went to his first party - his cousin was having his 6th birthday party so we had to go and celebrate! There were a lot of people at the party since Oscar’s cousin started kindergarten this year and has lots of friends in the neighborhood. Oscar’s grandpa and grandma were also there at the party so they held him most of the time. My sister-in-law finally got to hold him at the end of the party when we were getting ready to leave. lol. We had fun chatting with everyone and catching up but I can’t wait until Oscar will be able to join the boys out in the backyard! They will have so much fun together!
Jose is off work for Monday and Tuesday this week because he has to work this coming weekend. Yesterday we had our first family shopping day where we went to Johnnie Brocks, Chipotle, and Target. It was a long, stressful, and tiring day but we found Halloween costumes for everyone so we are counting that as a success. =)
Oscar - Tuesday, October 24th, 2023