Oscar - Week Ten

Wednesday and Thursday we recovered from Halloween by sleeping and chilling at home all day.
On Friday we went to see my Grandma and Grandpa and my Aunt and Uncle showed up as well. I worked on a puzzle and cooked lunch while they held and loved on Oscar. Grandma is having hip surgery in a couple weeks so I want to make sure she gets lots of baby time before then.
Saturday Oscar hosted his first Halloween party! Some of our friends were able to come over and meet Oscar for the first time! I was excited that we got to throw our normal Halloween party because we weren’t sure about the timing with Oscar being due on October 16th - lol! Since he came so early we have our routine down and we didn’t mind having people come over and hanging with us!
On Sunday we went to a Dia de los Muertos event at the History Museum. They had face painting, story time, music, dancing, artwork, alters, and food! We ran into a bunch of people that we knew - Jose used to work at the museum so we knew he would know a lot of people but I also saw a couple people I knew, one of the counselors from the school I worked at most recently and one friend from when I was in middle and high school. We had fun listening at the bilingual story time and the food was amazing!
Monday and Tuesday were weird days - Oscar slept for 5-6 hours at a time verses his normal 3 hours. He ate more than normal when he did wake up but not as much overall. And he was very grouchy when he was awake. I consulted the internet and it seems like he is having a growth spurt and/or he is getting ready to be in more of a scheduled routine. It’s complicated to tell because he was born so early and that makes some developmental things delayed but not others.
Tuesday Jose was off work. It was so good to have his help with Oscar the Grouch but it was also nice because we got a lot of errands out of the way. We went on a tour of a daycare - we liked it so we signed him up and he has a guaranteed spot there in May. Jose has to go back to work mid January but at least it’s something. Finding daycare has been difficult. It’s a hard balance because we have to find somewhere that we feel safe leaving Oscar but that also doesn’t cost literally more than I am making at work. The place we found is only about half of what I am making so that’s better than nothing! We also finally went and got a copy of Oscar’s birth certificate - so it’s official he has been born and we have the certificate to prove it! =) We also dropped some old clothes off at a donation center and we went shopping at a ReFab which is like a home improvement consignment store. We didn’t buy anything but if we have a specific project in mind I think we will go there first before a big box store - they had a ton of stuff!
Oscar is definitely growing! He is getting chunkier every day and he is growing out of this size of clothes! Some of his newborn sized clothes just do not fit anymore. Some still do because different brands run bigger and smaller but we are starting to put him in size 0-3 months and they are not too too big for him. He is also switching to size 1 diapers tomorrow! He still technically fits in a newborn size diaper but they are getting tight around the legs and getting overfilled quickly so we are not buying more of that size and they will run out tomorrow. It is crazy how fast this little baby is growing! People always say how fast it goes and they were not wrong. I love seeing Oscar grow AND I miss holding my tiny 4 pound baby. I have two more weeks of maternity leave and I’m going to try and appreciate every second of it.