Starting IVF
So. We are starting IVF. Jose, my hubs, very much wants a biological child. And I get that. I have felt that urge at times. I don’t need it like he does but I can understand the sentiment.
Jose and I have agreed to go through the IVF process for one retrieval. If we have to stop meds for some reason before the retrieval but the doctors think another round will work, that’s fine. But the actual retrieval procedure - I am only doing that once.
If that procedure results in one or more embryos - great. It that procedure results in none - that’s ok too. At least we tried and now we can move forward with adoption knowing that we tried everything.
Hopefully I don’t sound cold - just explaining where we’re at.
I’m on the long agonist protocol, so I’ve been on birth control for 2ish weeks and I’ll start my injectable meds next week on Wednesday. Then a couple days after that I stop the birth control. Then a few days after that, I go to the doctor and they will look and see how my follicles are growing. And we’ll see what happens after that.
All our fingers and toes are crossed hoping that this will work. We are hoping and praying to grow our family in whatever way works out. When we have our child in our arms I know from deep within that we will understand all the trials and tribulations were so that we could receive that particular child into our family. And in that I am comforted and find great strength.
We are on our path and there is no way to stop us from getting where we are headed.
As far as doubts go though…I am worried about having to give myself shots. I don’t love shots in the first place and a usually close my eyes when I have to get one. I can’t close my eyes when I’m the one giving the shot. I’m freaking out a little bit about that particular part of the process. I’m assuming that I’ll just figure out how to do it because I have to do it but I am not looking forward to becoming my own nurse.
Wish me luck!