Oscar - Week Twenty Six

This week we introduced Oscar to Peanut Butter and Avocados. He loved both! We got him these 'pre-spoons,' they are sorta silly but they also double as teethers so we figured why not. They look like a flat spoon but with holes cut out of the spoon part. They are great for purees, which is what we are feeding him at the moment because the food gets stuck in the holes and he can suck on the spoons and practice eating.
On Wednesday, Jose had an appointment so I was at home by myself for bedtime. UsuallyJose does bedtime since I get more time with Oscar after work. But I was in Oscar's room rocking him to sleep in our rocking chair and he fell asleep so fast and it was all dark and warm and I just decided to put him down in his crib (instead of the bassinet in our room) and just see what happens. And he stayed asleep! He did wake up in the middle of the night and Jose woke up and comforted him and put him back to sleep in the bassinet. But by the weekend he was sleeping in his crib all through the night!
Hank has been extra cuddly and protective of Oscar lately. If he hears a noise he will go and sit by Oscar and watch attentively for whatever the threat is. (Usually the wind or a bird)
On Saturday we went to my youngest cousin's birthday parties (she turned 14) and we dressed Oscar in his Baby Yoda outfit. He was the hit of the party but my cousin didn't mind sharing the spotlight because she loves to hold and play with Oscar!