Oscar - Week Twenty Five

Oscar had a fun Valentine’s Day at daycare! He really is pretty irresistible. ;-)
Oscar has grown out of 3 month clothes and he's getting close to being out of the 3-6 month clothes. He is still working on rolling over and now we are adding in sitting up practice to his workout routine. ;-) He is rolling from tummy to back more often but not all the time. He still doesn't love tummy time but he does love his sitting practice.
He is staying awake in the car more often now on the way to and from daycare and he just sits in the back squeaking and squealing for no apparent reason. I like to think he's singing along with the music or telling me about his day.
We had a long weekend together because of president's day and we just relaxed at home. I've been missing just having full days with him so it was nice to spend some good quality time together. Though I wasn't as sad to drop him back off at daycare this morning as I have been in the past. I think working mom life will suit me just fine and this week was the first time I really felt that way.
We also started feeding Oscar solid food on Sunday! We started with mashed up apples - we forgot that you are supposed to cook them first so the first day was a little crunchy but then I cooked an apple and then mushed it up on Monday.
Now that Jose and I are both work we need to be more intentional about taking pictures on Tuesday. This is the only one that daycare sent on Tuesday and this is the only picture I have of Oscar from this day! Yikes - not the best pic but you can see his fuzzy hair!