Oscar - Week Eighteen
This week Oscar met Uncle Tony on Jose's side. Oscar also went to the art museum for the first time. He loved looking at all the art (and the lights on the ceiling). He also went to his first New Year's Party - which was at noon for the History Museum's "Noon Years Eve" Party. They did a count down at noon and dropped balloons from the balcony onto the crowd down below. It was cute and fun.
Oscar also had his 4 month doctor's appointment on Friday. He weighed 13 lbs and 13 oz. He is getting so big!!! The doctor said he is starting to catch up on the growth charts because last appointment he was not even on the chart and this time he was in the 20th percentile! She also said that we should be on the look out for Oscar to start rolling over soon. We will keep doing tummy time and see what happens! He got a bunch of vaccines and was crabby and had a fever for a few days after - but he is already back to his normal happy self.
Oscar is starting to laugh (usually at daddy) and he is super smiley especially when you make funny noises at him. He already loves watching football and basketball on TV with Papa. And he always has an eye on Hank but doesn't love when Hank gives him all the kisses. I'm sure they will be good friends when Oscar can run away from and chase Hank. Oscar also grew out of his size 0-3 month pants (they were too tight around the belly!) and so we had to buy new pants for him in the 3-6 month size - Even though everything else still fits him at the moment.
Oscar - Tuesday, January 2, 2024