Oscar - Week Nineteen

This was a very relaxing week. We didn’t have anyone in town and we didn’t have any parties to go to. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a quiet week. Oscar and I went to my Grandma and Grandpa’s while Jose was working on Sunday. It was pretty great having a quieter week, especially right before Jose goes back to work.
Speaking of, we have big news!!! We have found daycare!!! It is very close to my work and it is the least expensive daycare that we have found. We are still on the wait list at a couple of other places so if we end up not liking this place we have options down the road. But we are so over joyed that we found this placement for Oscar. Everyone has been super nice so far and we will see how it goes. His first day is next Tuesday so you’ll hear how it goes here first.
I also forgot to say last week that I have stopped pumping. I stopped the day before my birthday. I was winding down anyway and I was really sick that day and wanted to take some cold medicine. When you are pumping you can’t take any sort of cold medicine because it will dry up your milk supply. I took the cold medicine and that did the trick. It didn’t hurt and I haven’t leaked or anything since then. I feel really good about getting the time back with Oscar, rather than being stuck cowing with a milk machine.
Oscar is loving these last days with his papa. They’ve been going out to breakfast and grocery shopping. Oscar is as happy as ever. He smiles and laughs all the time for no reason that we can figure out. He loves funny noises and whenever we dance with him or play with him. He is going to bed earlier and staying asleep longer. ::knock on wood:: He takes his last bottle of the day at about 6:30 or 7pm and then we put him down after that bottle and once he is all the way asleep, he will sleep until I wake up to get ready for work at 5am.