Oscar - Week Two

One big change for me this week and lots of small changes for Oscar.

My blood pressure is finally back to normal! On Wednesday I got really dizzy and measured my BP and it was REALLY low. Luckily, I was at my house and I was able to just lay down. I called my doctor and they said I could come into the hospital but the treatment would be fluids so I should stop taking all my blood pressure meds and drink lots of water and gatorade and see how I feel after awhile. I started feeling better and I was measuring my BP during every pumping time (so every three hours) and it just kept getting better and then it just leveled off to normal. When I reported that to my doctor they told me to just stay off the BP medicines altogether! I was cured - actually more like, my body was back to regulating itself.

As for Oscar: On Wednesday he was back up to his birth weight! Thursday they took Oscar’s breathing tube out, hopefully for good! Monday I got to try breastfeeding Oscar for the first time. It went pretty well because Oscar’s nurse that day used to be a lactation consultant so she helped A LOT! It was a little harder on my own later that day and on Tuesday but we will just keep trying! On Friday, they moved Oscar to an open air crib rather than the incubator! That means that he is able to regulate his own temperature! That is a huge step in the right direction!

Oscar is also making lots of funny faces now that he doesn’t have that big breathing tube covering his whole face. We can definitely see that he has dimples like his papa! Jose and I have gotten into a routine of going to the hospital after Jose gets off work for Oscar’s 8pm feeding. We go and feed him and read him stories out of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales. The stories are bizarre and always make us laugh and Oscar seems to like them too - it puts him right to sleep.

On Sunday my grandma on my mom’s side threw me a baby shower! It was supposed to be 5 weeks before Oscar was born but we decided to go ahead and throw the party since I was out of the hospital. There was food and games and LOTS of gifts. I also made a quick slide show of a bunch of Oscar pictures to show everyone! It was a lot of fun and it was nice to get out of the house for a bit.

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