Oscar - Week Five

Oscar had a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and he weighed 6 lbs and 5 oz! A whole 2 pounds more than when he was born! This baby is growing like a weed! They don’t measure how long he is at these appointments but I know he is getting longer too because his preemie clothes are starting to be too small for him! The newborn size is too big but the preemie size is too small.

Grandma came over to hang out with Oscar on Thursday! It was so nice to be able to just sit and hang out with her and my baby.

Friday was Oscar’s one month-iversary of being born and it was also his ‘newborn’ photo shoot. It is a little strange doing that a month after he was born but of course we had to wait until he was out of the hospital. I haven’t seen the final photos yet but from what I can tell they are going to be amazing! The photographer is far from my house but I just love her photos and after seeing her studio and the millions of props that she has I feel like we will be coming back for photos in the future too.

On Monday, Jose and I took Oscar to our local library and they happened to be having baby story time so we sat in on that before wandering around and finding a couple of books to check out.

Other things I’ve noticed about Oscar this week - he is awake for longer periods of time and I get to see his eyes a lot more! He is also becoming more vocal about his opinions - AKA crying a lot more. It sounds weird but I’m actually liking the crying at the moment because I feel like I’m actually getting to know my baby. When he was just sleeping all the time I didn’t really get to see his personality at all - now it’s starting to come out!

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