Second Round of Letrozole

My first round of letrozole worked-ish. My at home ovulation tests showed that I ovulated on day 14 of my cycle so I went in to my doctor 7 days after that to have my progesterone and testosterone and a bunch of other things tested. They called me a few days later with the results and said that my progesterone was lower than it should be so they bumped up my letrozole to .5mg for the next cycle. But to also call them if I got a positive pregnancy test later. So my hormones were low but not low enough that I couldn’t be pregnant.

Turns out I wasn’t pregnant. After a full cycle on the letrozole my main symptom was just lots and lots of cramping throughout my entire cycle. Previous to this I’ve only ever had cramps when I was actively on my period. They were brutal, horrible, and sometimes debilitating cramps but only ever for a week at a time. Now I feel like I’m having moderate cramps throughout the whole month and then horrible cramps for a week.

Sometimes I feel like, “Damn, have I literally never ovulated before this?” and sometimes all I can think is, “Shit this sucks.”

Amy FarfanComment