Oscar - Week Forty Three

Wednesday was Juneteenth and Jose and I were both off work. Ms. Devon came over for Physical Therapy and mentioned that Oscar can probably go down to two visit's per month because he's catching up so quickly. But she was concerned about his scoot crawling since it's always on the same side.
After Ms. Devon's visit Oscar and I went to visit Grandma and Grandpa and Oscar was matching with Great Grandma - Orange tank tops and brown pants. So cute and not planned at all! And I don't know if it's the separates or just Oscar but he is looking more and more like a toddler these days! Maybe it really has to do with him starting to pull up to standing!
At daycare they must have gotten a new teacher or maybe just because it's summer but they are doing a lot more fun activities with the babies! This week Oscar got to play with bubbles!
This weekend Oscar's scoot crawl has gotten FAST! Oscar has discovered so many new things because he's not stuck in one place anymore - dog food, drawers, cabinets, how to open the dog kennel and break out Hank, the sun room, and plants. Oscar's eating skills are growing by leaps and bounds! We gave him Cheerios this weekend and he loved them! That's his first crunchy food that he didn't either spit out immediately or barf up later!
Saturday afternoon Uncle Joey stopped by to meet Oscar on a very short trip to STL. It took a minute but Oscar warmed up to Joey and Joey really got him laughing by making funny noises at him.
Sunday morning was spent installing baby proofing on all of the low drawers and cabinets that he tried to get into on Saturday. Sunday afternoon we went to the second-hand baby store because they were having a huge sale and bought a bunch of new clothes for Oscy. We also found got Oscar a little soccer ball, football, and basket ball. He loves playing with those balls! Oscar also loves reading (and eating) books!