Oscar - Week Thirty Seven

On Wednesday Oscar and I went to see Great Grandma and Grandpa after work. It always seems to lift their spirits when we go over to see them. I love that they get to spend time with their great grandchildren. I hope I make it to see my grandkids. Oscar is starting to get a little wiggly for them to hold though. He is quite the wiggle butt.
On Friday when I picked up Oscar from daycare they gave me a little Mother's Day poem with his painted footprints all around the edges. It was so cute!
On Mother's Day - Jose delivered. He surprised me with brunch at Ekert's where I got a mom-osa flight and a biscuit flight at brunch. Then we went strawberry picking and the weather was perfect for being outside. It was warm but there was a breeze. By the time we had eaten and were ready to pick strawberries Oscar was ready to sleep so we put him in the carrier and he passed out on the tractor ride to the strawberry fields. I found a crazy mutant strawberry and a bunch of these tiny wild daisies that remind me of my mom. It was a great first mother's day.
And even better when we got home we smashed up a couple strawberries for Oscar and let him try and eat them. He was really good at finger painting with them. Not so good at getting them in his mouth or chewing them when they did get in there. Then I think a piece got stuck in his throat because he coughed a bunch and then threw up. Feeding him strawberries was quite the experience.
I’m stopping this post on Monday because Tuesday was an experience in and of itself. Read on to see what happened.