Oscar - Week Fourteen
Jose and Oscar are settling into home life. I'm so grateful that Jose is able to take this time off of work to be home with Oscar. It makes it much easier to leave home every day for work.
Saturday we went to the 'Wild Lights' at the Zoo. Oscar liked looking at the lights when he was awake. And we even ran into a couple of my cousins and they got to meet Oscar for the first time! (We forgot to take a picture though).
Sunday we went to another of my cousin's birthday parties and got to see lots of the family. And Oscar drove their dogs crazy! The dogs weren't quite sure what to do with him.
Tuesday the lovely ladies at work threw me a baby shower. It was supposed to be before Oscar was born but since Oscar came early he changed those plans real quick. We had cake and they gave us some adorable gifts! And then Oscar got to eat in my office and do some work with me!
Oscar is getting more and more smiley. He likes funny noises and when we sing to him. He is starting to make a silent laughing face and every once in a while he will let out a squeal of delight. He is getting stronger every day, holding his head up and doing tummy time and baby sit-ups.