Oscar - Week Sixteen
This was a big week of firsts! First trip to Target with papa. The weather has been warm so we went on a family walk and Oscar found a leaf to hold! Oscar also had his first Santa photoshoot at Grandpa’s house - and he was the santa!!!
Jose’s Tia, cousin, and her kids came to town from Denver to meet Oscar this weekend too! This meant lots of adventures! Oscar’s first visit to the Science Center and OmniMax. First trip to Union Station to watch papa walk on the ropes up really really high! And lots of meals in restaurants and LOTS of cuddles!
Oscar continues to get even more smiliey and is starting to make laughing faces. He loves to cuddle when his is tired but is starting to like being held facing out so he can see what’s going on in the world around him. He is happy when anyone is holding him or playing with him. He is making lots of funny faces and loves to stick his tongue out even when he’s not hungry. He makes lots of faces and talks in his sleep already - I love hearing the beginnings of his little voice!