Amy Farfan

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Surgery Results

So Jose’s surgery was technically successful because he his producing about twice as many sperms as before but he still isn’t producing enough sperm that have good motility to make an IUI more effective than getting pregnant naturally. They will retest Jose’s sperm again in February and see where we are at. The doctor said that it takes an average of 8 months after surgery to get to your new normal with sperm counts so we are still stuck waiting. Lots of waiting in this process.

If you are trying to get pregnant and it isn’t happening right away I suggest you take immediate action and get your doctors to step it up. We could have been doing all of this a year ago if I had just lied to my doctors and said that we’d already been trying for a year.

Unfortunately after losing my job in October we are unable to afford health insurance in 2020 so I’m not exactly sure how all the future testing and or procedures will work out. I suppose we will have to pay out of pocket and up front for everything. That is a stress for another day because until February we are just waiting.

We are eating (mostly) healthy and taking care of our bodies as best we can without stressing ourselves out but I’m not getting any younger and neither is Jose. I’m turning 34 soon and Jose is already 40. We are pursuing our goals and living the life we’ve always dreamed of. I’m creating art on a nearly daily basis and figuring out how to sell that art online to make a living. I’m also working two jobs that are working for me right now. Jose is working two jobs and working on art almost every day.

We are working on ourselves and our relationship to be the best couple and parents that we can be when the time comes. For now we will continue waiting and making the next right choice.