Oscar - Week Thirteen
Oscar is growing like a weed! I’m sure he’s well past the 11 pound mark. He is smiling more often and not just when he farts! He smiles most when we make silly noises and faces at him.
This past week was my first couple days back to work and Jose’s first couple days at home with Oscar. There is a steep learning curve for everyone. It’s hard to explain in words how exactly I calm Oscar down when he is upset. Sure there are some easy things like giving him a bottle and changing his diaper. But how do I explain the way that I rock him or the way I sing to him. There are some things that are just unexplainable.
I’m also learning how to be away from the baby. I’m not sure I like it much but it does help that I know Oscar is with his papa. I’m not sure I could send him to daycare this early. Jose even took him for a walk already.
This week was also Thanksgiving week. Oscar had lots of Thanksgiving themed clothes to show off to everyone. He met more of my cousins on my mom’s side and another uncle on my dad’s side. We ate a bunch of Thanksgiving food and Oscar ate a bunch of milk. All were happy when it was time to go home.