Amy Farfan

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Losing Control and Working on Abundance

About three weeks from today we will know if Jose's ball surgery fixed his sperm problem or not. This is nerve wrecking in more ways than I could have even imagined even two weeks ago.  

For those of you who didn't hear, I lost one of my two jobs due to budget cuts about three weeks ago.  But I just landed another job!  I'm so excited!  It took about three weeks to secure this new job so my fear brain was starting to imagine needing to live in my car and go on food stamps and on down that rabbit hole.  It gets real dark in there real fast sometimes.  BUT I don't have to go to that place!  Ever!  But especially now since I got a new job!!! WOOT!  

But the most stressful part of the surgery is that it's possible that it didn't work and that Jose's sperms are just as confused as they were to start with.  That would be the most frustrating news we could get.  Especially with the amount of money we owe for this surgery.  If it didn't work we will have to consider other alternative ways to start a family.  None of which are quick, cheap, or easy.  Unless anyone wants to just give us a baby...anyone?  You have to ask for what you want...right?    

So anyway, I have definitely been stressed these last three weeks or so but I've tried to remember that the universe has my back and we live in an abundant world.  I know that when I get a 'no' in one area of life it is always leading me to a bigger and better 'yes' down the road.  

I know that things will work out in the way they are meant to.  I know that I will be taken care of.  I know that I am surrounded by support and love.  That's why I am so excited to announce that I am launching my Patreon account!  

I would be so grateful for your support if you decided to become a patron of mine.  On this platform, when you become a patron, you can get early access to my blog posts, sale codes for my artwork, behind the scenes photos and videos, and more, that you won't be able to get anywhere else! I am also starting to create instructional art videos and meditation audios.  

My first goal for this page is based all on feeling the support of community - when I reach 100 patrons (at any level starting at $1/month) I will be sending everyone an original 3x3 inch original abstract watercolor painting to show my appreciation. I already finished all 100 pieces of art because I know I am surrounded by abundant loving support.  

And I mean who doesn't love getting real mail in the mailbox!  Double Plus Bonus as a special starting bonus I will be sending everyone who becomes a patron by November 11th a personalized postcard in the mail as well!  I love getting real mail!  Don't you?!

Check out my Patreon page by clicking this link!

Here is a sneak peek to some of the original pieces of art that you could receive if you become one of my first 100 patrons!